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Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows
Assembly: PPJ.Web.49 (
Interface to the report provider object.
String: Name of the printing document.
String: The report file name.
IntPtr: Return the handle of the ISalReport instance.
String: List of bind input variables, separated by a comma.
Int32: Returns the last page number.
Control: The owner control for the report. This is the control that receives the report's notifications.
PrinterSettings: Returns the printer settings to use when printing the report.
String: Title of the progress dialog.
String: Text to show in the progress dialog. It can be up to two lines separated by a CRLF.
Object: Returns the underlying report object.
SalTableWindow: TableWindow control to be used as the data source for the report.
String: List of report variables, separated by a comma.
Control: Returns the current instance of the report viewer.
Closes the preview window.
Creates a new dynamic report using the specified template. If the templates is null (default), the built-in template is used.
Returns: Int32.
Executes the specified command on the preview window. The command code is one of the Sys.RPT_Cmd* constants.
Exports the report to the specified file. The kind of export is inferred from the extension of the file.
Returns: Int32.
Returns the value of the specified report variable.
Returns: Object.
Preview the report. The report viewer control is hosted in the specified parent. If the parent is null, a new top level form is created.
Returns: Int32.
Prints the report.
Returns: Int32.
Sets the value of the specified report variable.
Returns: Boolean.