Namespace: PPJ.Runtime
Assembly: PPJ.Web.49 (
Contains all Sal.* static functions.
ScriptEngine: Returns the instance of the interpreter used by SalCompileAndEvaluate.
Type: Returns/Sets the type of the ISalReport implementation.
Halts processing of the current menu action, message action, or application action.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables input to all open forms.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables input to all open forms that were disabled.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Finds a visible top-level window.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns the average value of all the numbers in an array.
Returns: SalNumber. nAvg
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Determines if a dynamic array contains data.
Returns: SalBoolean. bData
Returns the maximum value in an array of numbers.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the minimum value in an array of numbers.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Sets the lower and upper bound of an array for the first dimension only. NOTE: In SAL this function was named SalSetArrayBounds().
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Sets the upper bound of an array. The first dimension is 1.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the sum of the elements in an array of numbers.
Returns: SalNumber. nSum
Brings a window to the top of all overlapping windows.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Centers a window. If the window is a top-level window, it centers it on the desktop. If the window is a child window, it centers it on top of its parent.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Clears the value from a data field, multiline field, or table window column.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Composes a color from red, green, and blue values.
Returns: SalNumber. colorValue
Gets a window's color.
Returns: SalNumber.
Gets a system color.
Returns: SalNumber. colorValue
Sets a window's color.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalString.
Returns an instance of SalStringContext wrapping the current context reference.
Returns: SalStringContext.
Defines a named popup menu that displays automatically when a window receives SAM_ContextMenu.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Defines a named popup menu that displays automatically when a window receives SAM_ContextMenu.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Creates modeless dialog boxes, MDI windows, form windows, and top-level table windows at runtime.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Creates modeless dialog boxes, MDI windows, form windows, and top-level table windows at runtime.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Creates modeless dialog boxes, MDI windows, form windows, and top-level table windows at runtime.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Creates a form window, dialog box, or table window as a child of another form window,
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Creates a form window, dialog box, or table window as a child of another form window, dialog box, or toolbar at runtime.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Creates a form window, dialog box, or table window as a child of another form window, dialog box, or toolbar at runtime.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Creates modeless dialog boxes, MDI windows, form windows, and top-level table windows at runtime.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Clears a window's cursor.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets a window's cursor.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets an application-defined cursor for the specified window. Use this function to set the cursor from an image stored in a file.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets a window's cursor from a string variable.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the date/time constructed from the parameters year, nMonth, nDay, nHour, minute, and nSecond.
Returns: SalDateTime.
Returns the PC's current date/time.
Returns: SalDateTime.
Returns the day portion (1 to 31) of a date/time value or returns -1 if you specify DATETIME_Null as a parameter.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the hour portion (0 to 23) of a date/time value or returns -1 if you specify DATETIME_Null as a parameter.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the minute portion (0 to 59) of a date/time value or returns -1 if you specify DATETIME_Null as a parameter.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the month portion (1 to 12) of a date/time value or returns -1 if you specify DATETIME_Null as a parameter.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the date of the first day of the month or it returns DATETIME_Null if the value you specify is null. For example, if dateTime is December 25, 1992, SalDateMonthBegin returns December 1, 1992.
Returns: SalDateTime.
Returns the quarter of the year (1 to 4) of a date/time value or returns -1 if you specify DATETIME_Null as a parameter.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the date of the first day of the quarter of a date/time value or it returns DATETIME_Null if the value you specify is null.
Returns: SalDateTime.
Returns the seconds portion (0 to 59) of a date/time value or returns -1 if you specify DATETIME_Null as a parameter.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the date of the previous Monday or the current day if it is a Monday or it returns DATETIME_Null if the value you specify is null.
Returns: SalDateTime.
Returns the day of the week as a number between 0 and 6 or returns -1 if you specify DATETIME_Null as a parameter. 0 represents Saturday, 1 represents Sunday, and so on.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the year portion of a date or returns -1 if you specify DATETIME_Null as a parameter.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the date of the first day of the year or it returns DATETIME_Null if the value you specify is null.
Returns: SalDateTime.
Destroys a form window, a top-level table window, or a modeless dialog box created with SalCreateWindow.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window and grays out its associated label. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window. The label control must have a mnemonic. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Causes a dialog box to dock or undock with a parent window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disables dropping while in drag mode.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables dropping while in drag mode.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the IDataObject being dropped.
Returns: IDataObject.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Initiates drag mode.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Ends drag mode.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Redraws the menu bar for a given form window or top-level table window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves the uploaded file.
Returns: Stream.
Indicates whether a window can accept a file from Windows' File Manager.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Retrieves the names of the files dropped on a window. Receipt of the SAM_DropFiles message indicates that the user dropped files onto the window.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Indicates whether you can copy from the currently selected control on the clipboard.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns: SalBoolean.
Indicates whether you can cut from the currently selected control on the clipboard.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns TRUE if there is data on the Clipboard that can be pasted into the currently selected control
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns TRUE if the if there is any editing of the currently selected control that can be undone.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Deletes selected data from the currently selected control
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Copies selected data from the currently selected control and puts it on the Clipboard.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Copies a string to the Clipboard as text.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns: SalBoolean.
Cuts selected data from the currently selected control and puts it on the Clipboard.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Pastes data from the Clipboard into the currently selected control
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Undoes the last edit to the currently selected control Editing that you can undo includes inserting text, cutting text, clearing text, and pasting text.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window and enables its associated label as well. A label is the label control that immediately precedes the window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Destroys a modal dialog box and returns control to the caller of SalModalDialog.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Stops tracing.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Copies the contents of one file (source) to another file (destination).
Returns: SalNumber. nStatus
Creates a directory.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the next character in an open file.
Returns: SalNumber. charValue
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets the letter of the default (current) disk drive.
Returns: SalString. sDriveLetter
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Writes a character to an open file.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Writes a string to an open file and appends a carriage return/line feed character to the string.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Deletes a directory.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Positions the file pointer in an open file.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Changes the current working directory. If the specified path does not contain a drive letter, the default drive's current directory is changed. Otherwise, the specified drive's current directory is changed and the specified drive is made the current drive.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Sets the modification date and time of the specified file.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Sets the current disk drive to the specified drive letter.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns the current position in an open file.
Returns: SalNumber. nPos
Writes a string to an open file.
Returns: SalNumber. nResult
Writes a binary buffer to an open file.
Returns: SalNumber. nResult
This function finds a child window of a given name in the specified window.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Dispatches the specified message (Window Actions) directly to the control's WindowActions event handlers, without going through Windows message loop.
Returns: SalNumber.
Dispatches the specified message (Window Actions) directly to the children's WindowActions event handlers, without going through Windows message loop.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Copies the specified profile to the custom profile for the specified field. The control must use the customized profile set using FMT_Profile_Program.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Formats a date/time value using a given date/time picture format. If you do not specify a picture format or the one you specify is invalid, the default local settings are used
Returns: SalString. sDateTime
Formats a number value using a number picture format. If you do not specify a picture format or the one you specify is invalid, the default local settings are used
Returns: SalString. sNumber
Returns the current format of a data field or table window column.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the culture profile for the specified field.
Returns: SalNumber.
Validates the contents of a data field or table window column using the current profile.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Validates the input mask of a data field or table window column.
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Validates a numeric or date/time picture format.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Turns on/off the flag that indicates whether to keep the mask when reading the text from masked edit controls.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets a data field's or table window column's format.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets the input mask of a data field or table window column.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Modifies the specified formatting rule on the control. The control must use the customized profile set using FMT_Profile_Program.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Modifies the specified formatting rule on the control. The control must use the customized profile set using FMT_Profile_Program.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets the picture format of a data field or table window column.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Changes the culture profile for the specified field.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Copies a string to a data field or table window column. After copying the string to the field, formats the string.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Validates and formats a data field's or table window column's contents.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Gets the names of the screen or printer fonts.
Returns: SalNumber. nNames
Returns: SalNumber.
Sets a window's font, font size, and font enhancements.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Computes the number of pixels in the number of form units. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions which move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with the window's font size.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the current buffer length of a binary variable.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the current buffer length of a string.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns a data field's or table window column's data type.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the handle of the default push button on a form window or dialog box. The default push button is the one that has the focus by default.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns the handle of the first child window of the specified type. You can use this function to get the handles of MDI child windows.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns the handle of the window with the focus.
Returns: SalWindowHandle. windowFocus
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the maximum length of a data field, multiline text field, or table window column.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the handle of the next child window that matches a specified type.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Retrieves the integer value of an entry in the specified section of an initialization file or registry.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the instance of ISalReport that is identified by the handle.
Returns: ISalReport.
Returns the version of the library.
Returns: SalNumber.
Retrieves the window handle of the label (label control) that is associated with the windowTarget parameter. There must be a mnemonic in that label, and it must immediately precede windowTarget, or this function will fail.
Returns: SalWindowHandle.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns a window's current state.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalNumber.
Hides a window.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Hides a window and its associated label.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Converts a string to a number so you can pass it as a message parameter.
Returns: SalNumber.
Causes a window to be repainted.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Determines whether a radio button is set or a check box is checked.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Verifies whether a data field, multiline text field, or table window column is null or empty.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Verifies whether a data field, multiline text field, or table window column contains a valid date/time value. For multiline text fields, the date/time value must be the only item in the field.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Verifies whether a data field, multiline text field, or table window column contains a valid decimal value. For multiline text fields, the decimal value must be the only item in the field.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Verifies whether a data field, multiline text field, or table window column contains a valid integer value. For multiline text fields, the integer value must be the only item in the field.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Verifies whether a data field, multiline text field, or table window column contains a valid numeric value. Valid numbers are integers or floating point numbers, negative and positive. For multiline text fields, the numeric value must be the only item in the field.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Determines whether a window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Determines whether a window is currently visible.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Adds a string to a list box or combo box.
Returns: SalNumber. Index of the added item.
Deletes all entries from a list box or combo box.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Deletes a list box or combo box entry.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns an array of index numbers of selected list box entries.
Returns: SalBoolean. True if at least 1 item selected, otherwise false.
Inserts an entry into a list box or combo box at a specified position.
Returns: SalNumber. The index of the added item or Sys.LB_Err (-1) if there is an error.
Populates a list box or combo box with a result set. SalListPopulate overrides any settings made with SalListSetTabs. If the SELECT statement returns data from multiple columns, each column's data displayed in a list box is separated by tabs.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Populates a list box or combo box with a result set. If the SELECT statement returns data from multiple columns, each column's data displayed in the list box is separated by tabs.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the number of list box or combo box entries.
Returns: SalNumber. Number of items in the list.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the number of selected entries in a multiple-selection list box. Specify single-selection or multiple-selection in the list box's customizer.
Returns: SalNumber. Number of selected items.
Returns the index of the selected entry in a combo box or single-selection list box.
Returns: SalNumber. Index of the currently selected item in the list, or -1 for no selection.
Determines whether the specified list box or combo box entry is selected.
Returns: SalBoolean. True is the specified item is selected.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns the length of a list box or combo box entry.
Returns: SalNumber. Length of the text of the specified item.
Returns the text of the specified item.
Returns: SalString. Text of the specified item.
Finds and selects a combo box or single-selection list box entry.
Returns: SalNumber. Index of the first item that matches the text or -1 if not found.
Selects or deselects a combo box or multiple-selection list box entry.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Selects or deselects a combo box or single-selection list box entry.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Starts an application.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Appends the string to the file.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Appends the string and a new line to the file.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Changes the behavior of the Enter key from executing the default button on a window to moving the focus to the next field.
Returns: SalBoolean. The value of MapEnterToTab.
Generates a sound on the computer's speaker.
Returns: SalBoolean. Always True.
Displays a message box and returns a number that indicates the user's response. You can customize the message box push buttons and icons. The active parent window, whose value is hWndForm, creates the message box.
Returns: SalNumber. One of Sys.IDOK, Sys.IDCANCEL, Sys.IDRETRY, Sys.IDNO, Sys.IDYES, Sys.IDIGNORE, Sys.IDABORT.
Displays a message box and returns a number that indicates the user's response. You can customize the message box push buttons and icons. The active parent window, whose value is hWndForm, creates the message box.
Returns: SalNumber. One of Sys.IDOK, Sys.IDCANCEL, Sys.IDRETRY, Sys.IDNO, Sys.IDYES, Sys.IDIGNORE, Sys.IDABORT.
Displays a message box and returns a number that indicates the user's response. You can customize the message box push buttons and icons.
Returns: SalNumber. One of Sys.IDOK, Sys.IDCANCEL, Sys.IDRETRY, Sys.IDNO, Sys.IDYES, Sys.IDIGNORE, Sys.IDABORT.
Creates a modal dialog box.
Returns: SalNumber. The value set when closing the dialog using EndDialog.
Creates a modal dialog box and returns the value asynchronously calling the provided callback function.
Creates a modal dialog box.
Returns: SalNumber.
Creates a modal dialog box.
Returns: SalNumber.
Creates a modal dialog box asynchronously.
Returns: Task<Int32>. The value set when closing the dialog using EndDialog.
Creates a modal dialog box asynchronously.
Returns: Task<Int32>.
Creates a modal dialog box.
Returns: SalNumber.
Moves a window a given number of form units on the X and Y axes relative to its current position.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Indicates that the object's transactional updates cannot be committed in the present time until SalMTSEnableCommit() or SalMTSSetComplete() is called. For non-MTS components the SalMTSDisableCommit() will fail (returns FALSE).
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Indicates that the object’s work is not necessarily done, but that its transactional updates can be committed in their current form (stateful object). EnableCommit is the default state when an object is activated. For non-MTS components the SalMTSEnableCommit() will fail (returns FALSE).
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Indicates that the object’s work can never be committed. The entire transaction is aborted. The object is deactivated upon return from the method. For non-MTS components the SalMTSSetAbort() will fail (returnS FALSE).
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Indicates that the object has successfully completed its work for the transaction. The object is deactivated upon return from the method that first entered the context (stateless object). For non-MTS components the SalMTSSetComplete() will fail (returns FALSE).
Returns: SalBoolean. bOk
Adds a new group to the specified pane of a navigation bar.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Inserts a pane into the navigation bar control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Associates a control to a pane.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Disassociates a control from a pane.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Enables or disables a pane on the navigation bar.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Expands or collapses a group.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the index of the currently selected pane.
Returns: SalNumber. The zero-based index of the currently selected pane.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Finds the pane by its name and returns a zero-based index of the pane if successful or -1 if the pane is not found.
Returns: SalNumber. the zero-based index of the pane. If the pane is not found, index is -1.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns the title of a pane.
Returns: SalString.
Retrieves the group status. The function returns true if the group is expanded; false if collapsed.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Restore the settings of a navigation bar from an XML string.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns true if the pane is enabled (visible in the pane navigator); false if disabled (not visible).
Returns: SalBoolean.
Removes a group from the navigation bar control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Removes a pane from the navigation bar control.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Activates the indicated pane.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets the title of a pane.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Sets the title of a pane.
Returns: SalBoolean.
Computes the absolute num.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes the arc cosine of a num in the range 0 to 1.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes a num's arc sine.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes a num's arc tangent.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes the arc tangent of two nums. This function uses the signs of both parameters to determine the quadrant of the return num.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes an angle's cosine.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes an angle's hyperbolic cosine.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes a num's exponential function.
Returns: SalNumber.
Returns a number's high-order word num (most significant 16 bits).
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, given the lengths of the other two sides.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes a number's natural logarithm.
Returns: SalNumber.
Computes a number