

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Com

Assembly: PPJ.Web.49 (

Summary description for SalObject.

public class SalObject : SalFunctionalClass, IDisposable


Construct a new null SalObject. This class cannot be used as second-base class.

Constructs a new SalObject and wraps the specified com object instance.


Boolean: Turns on/off automatic COM error handling.

Boolean: Turns on/off auto-release mode. When true, the runtime will force the release of the underlying COM object.

Object: Returns/Sets the inner COM object instance


Attaches the object to this IDispatch.

Returns: Boolean.

get number of objects

Returns: SalNumber.

Inspects the current class for the _CoClass member and creates the inner COM object and assigns it to the inner _Interface member.

Returns: Boolean.

Creates the com object from the progid.

Returns: Boolean.

Creates the com object on a remote host.

Returns: Boolean.

Creates the com object on a remote host.

Returns: Boolean.

Releases the attached COM object.

Returns: Boolean.

Dispose object

Returns the requested com interface.

Returns: Boolean.

Returns the last COM exception into a OleErrorInfo object.

Returns: SalBoolean.

handle exception

Returns: Boolean.

is collection

Returns: SalBoolean.

Checks whether the underlying COM object is valid.

Returns: Boolean.

Indicates that the object's transactional updates cannot be committed in the present time until SalMTSEnableCommit() or SalMTSSetComplete() is called. For non-MTS components the SalMTSDisableCommit() will fail (returns false).

Indicates that the object’s work is not necessarily done, but that its transactional updates can be committed in their current form (stateful object). EnableCommit is the default state when an object is activated. For non-MTS components the SalMTSEnableCommit() will fail (returns false).

Determines whether the caller is in the specified role.

Returns: SalBoolean.

This method checks if the component is executing in the transaction context. For non-MTS components the SalMTSIsInTransaction() will fail (returns false).

Returns: Boolean. bOk

This method checks for the security status. If the object is running in the client's process, there is no security checking and SalMTSIsSecurityEnabled will always return false. For non-MTS components the SalMTSIsSecurityEnabled() will fail (returnS false).

Returns: Boolean. bOk

Indicates that the object’s work can never be committed. The entire transaction is aborted. The object is deactivated upon return from the method. For non-MTS components the SalMTSSetAbort() will fail (returnS false).

Indicates that the object has successfully completed its work for the transaction. The object is deactivated upon return from the method that first entered the context (stateless object). For non-MTS components the SalMTSSetComplete() will fail (returns false).

next object

Returns: SalBoolean.


Returns: SalBoolean.

skip element

Returns: SalBoolean.

Inherited By

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