

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows

Assembly: PPJ.Web.49 (

Top level table window implementation.

public class SalFormTableWindow : SalForm, IEnumerable<SalTableRow>, IEnumerable



Constructs a SalFormWindow object.



Boolean: Enables/Disables AutoEditing mode. When this mode is on, the grid automatically enters edit mode when a cell is selected. (Default: False)


Boolean: Allow row sizing. (Default: True)


Boolean: Enables/Disables automatic sorting on table columns. (Default: False)


SalTableColumnCollection: Returns the collection of columns.


Boolean: Prevents the split grid from getting the focus while allowing for he horizontal scroll and column resizing. (Default: False)


SalTableColumn: Returns the table column object with the specified column ID. The ID is 1-based.


SalTableColumn: Returns the table column object with the specified name.


Int32: Number of lines per row.


Boolean: Returns/Sets the ReadOnly flag. When the ReadOnly flag is true the entire TableWindow control cannot be edited. However, the Mouse, scrolling and the Keyboard are still active. (Default: False)


RowsSizingStyle: Keeps all rows of the same height. (Default: FreeSize)


SalTableWindow: Returns the internal table window control.


AnyRows(nFlagsOn, nFlagsOff)

Determines whether any rows in the specified table window match certain flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Prevents the control from updating until the EndUpdate method is called.


Deselects all rows of a table window.

Returns: SalBoolean.

ColumnAverage(nColumnID, nFlagsOn, nFlagsOff)

Computes the average of all column values or only specified column values in a table window.

Returns: SalNumber.

ColumnSum(nColumnID, nFlagsOn, nFlagsOff)

Computes the sum of all column values or only specified column values in a table window.

Returns: SalNumber.

CopyRows(nFlagsOn, nFlagsOff)

Copies the contents of the specified table window rows to the Clipboard in text format.

Returns: SalBoolean.

CreateColumn(nColumnPos, nDispWidth, nMaxChars, sTitle)

Creates a table window column of string data type at runtime.

Returns: SalNumber.

CreateColumnEx(nColumnPos, nDispWidth, sTitle, nMaxChars, nDatatype)

Creates a table window column using a given data type at runtime. Allowed types are DT_String, DT_Number and DT_DateTime

Returns: SalNumber.

DefineRowHeader(sTitle, nWidth, nFlags, column)

Defines the appearance and behavior of a table window's row header.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DefineSplitWindow(nRowsLowerHalf, bDragAdjust)

Splits a table window horizontally.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DeleteRow(nRow, nFlag)

Deletes a row from a table window but not from the database.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Applies a SQL DELETE statement to all table window rows with the ROW Selected flag.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DeleteSelected(hSql, errorHandler)

Applies a SQL DELETE statement to all table window rows with the ROW Selected flag.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Destroys all automatic columns created by SalTblCreateColumn or SalTblPopulate at runtime. This function only works on table windows that contain only automatic columns.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DoDeletes(hSql, nFlagsOn)

Applies a SQL DELETE statement to all table window rows that have nFlagsOn flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DoDeletes(hSql, nFlagsOn, errorHandler)

Applies a SQL DELETE statement to all table window rows that have nFlagsOn flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DoInserts(hSql, bClearFlags)

Applies a SQL INSERT statement to all the rows in a table window that have the ROW New flag.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DoInserts(hSql, bClearFlags, errorHandler)

Applies a SQL INSERT statement to all the rows in a table window that have the ROW New flag.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DoUpdates(hSql, bClearFlags)

Applies a SQL UPDATE statement to all table window rows with the Row Edited flag.

Returns: SalBoolean.

DoUpdates(hSql, bClearFlags, errorHandler)

Applies a SQL UPDATE statement to all table window rows with the Row Edited flag.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Resumes updating of the list view control after suspending it by the BeginUpdate method.


Sends a SAM_FetchRow message to a table window if the row you specify is not currently in the table window cache.

Returns: SalNumber.

FindNextRow(nRow, nFlagsOn, nFlagsOff)

Returns: SalBoolean.

FindPrevRow(nRow, nFlagsOn, nFlagsOff)

Returns: SalBoolean.

GetColumnText(nColumnID, sText)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Gets data from a column of a table window's context row.

Returns: SalString.

GetColumnWindow(nCol, nFlags)

Gets the handle of a table window column.

Returns: SalWindowHandle.


Returns a table window's current context row. Before sending a SAM_FetchRow message, automatically sets the context row so that assignments made while processing the message reference the correct row.

Returns: SalNumber.


Returns: SalBoolean.


Retrieves the height of a row in lines.

Returns: SalNumber.


Retrieves the number of locked table window columns.

Returns: SalNumber.

GetRowFlags(nRow, nFlags)

Queries a row's flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Tests the state of a table window's flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Inserts a new blank row into a table window.

Returns: SalNumber.


Takes a row out of edit mode and selects the row. This causes the row to receive both SAM_Validate and SAM_KillFocus messages.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Turns off the table window's focus frame.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the specified table window. Assumes the Clipboard data is in text format with cells delimited by tab characters and rows delimited by end-of-line characters. Inserts the new rows into the table window without overwriting existing rows, and converts the data to the data types of the corresponding table window columns.

Returns: SalBoolean.

Populate(hSql, sSelect, nMethod)

Compiles, binds, and executes a SQL SELECT statement, then fetches the rows of the result set and populates a table window with them.

Returns: SalBoolean.

Populate(hSql, sSelect, nMethod, errorHandler)

Compiles, binds, and executes a SQL SELECT statement, then fetches the rows of the result set and populates a table window with them.

Returns: SalBoolean.

Populate(hSql, sSelect)

Compiles, binds, and executes a SQL SELECT statement, then fetches the rows of the result set and populates a table window with them.

Returns: SalBoolean.

Populate(hSql, sSelect, errorHandler)

Compiles, binds, and executes a SQL SELECT statement, then fetches the rows of the result set and populates a table window with them.

Returns: SalBoolean.

QueryFocusCell(nRow, hWndCol)

Returns: SalBoolean.

QueryRowHeader(sTitle, nMaxTitle, nWidth, nFlags, hWndCol)

Returns: SalBoolean.

QueryScroll(nPosition, nMinRange, nMaxRange)

Returns: SalBoolean.

QuerySplitWindow(nRowsLowerHalf, bDragAdjust)

Returns: SalBoolean.

QueryVisibleRange(nMinRange, nMaxRange)

Returns: SalBoolean.


Clears a table window by discarding all rows from the table window cache and setting the table range to 0, -1.

Returns: SalBoolean.

ScrollRow(nRow, column, nFlags)

Scrolls a table window to the specified row and column.

Returns: SalBoolean.

ScrollRow(nRow, column)

Scrolls a table window to the specified row and column.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetColumnText(nColumnID, sText)

Assigns data to a column of a table window's context row.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets a table window's context row. Setting the context row does not send a SAM_FetchRow message. If the row is not currently in memory, creates a new row in memory and sets its cell values to null.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetFlagsAnyRows(nFlags, bSet, nFlagsOn, nFlagsOff)

Sets or clears row flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetFocusCell(nRow, column)

Sets the focus to the specified table window cell (row and column). Puts the table window into edit mode and lets the user select a portion of the data in the cell.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets a table window's focus frame row.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets the height of a row in lines.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets the number of locked table window columns.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetRange(nMin, nMax)

Defines the minimum and maximum rows (range) of a table.

Returns: SalBoolean.


Sets the focus to the first, last, next, or previous row in a table window.

Returns: SalNumber.

SetRowFlags(nRow, nFlags, bSet)

Sets or clears a table window row's flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SetTableFlags(nFlags, bSet)

Sets or clears a table window's flags.

Returns: SalBoolean.

SortRows(nColumnID, nOrder)

Sorts the rows of a table window based on the values in one of the table window's columns.

Returns: SalBoolean.


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